Doctor Mario Caranza
Monterrey, Nuevo León
WP MX +52 8124359409 MX 81-83-18-68-20 WhatsApp 8124359409 U.S. 011-52-81-83-18-68-20.

Other Procedures


The natural process of aging will enhance the wrinkles and fine lines in our faces, especially those around our mouths and eyes. Patients that want to opt for a nonsurgical treatment to help improve the appearance of these deep lines often choose BOTOX.

BOTOX uses an active ingredient called Botulinum toxin Type A to relax the muscles in the face that usually create these wrinkles (lines between the brows, smile lines, crow’s feet, etc). The effects of BOTOX last between 2 to 6 months, after which the face will return to its natural state.